Kappelinmäki graveyard

Kappelinmäki graveyard dates back to 1782. It is one of Finland´s oldest graveyards still in active use. Much of Vaasa´s ancient history lies buried in its soil.
Strömsö is real! Come and see an old villa full of history, serving as TV studio for the lifestyle program Strömsö and a paradise for idea generators and DIY enthusiasts. The tour takes us indoors and around the garden.
Vaasa was founded by the Swedish King Charles IX in 1606. In 1852 a catastrophic fire destroyed the town. Some of the houses e.g. Wasastjerna residence and the old Court of Appeal survived the flames. We also visit the ancient site of the former castle...
Vaasa-born Mathilda was a noble lady who became known as prisoner`s true friend. The walk passes her childhood and youth surroundings and starts at the Vaasa Court of Appeal, Rantakatu.
Vaasa’s first suburban district has a special place in the city history. The land uplift brought the harbour here in the 1780s. Authors, boatbuilders, artists and factory workers have shaped the history of the island. The university campus is said to be the most beautiful...
Karl Hedman, Doctor of Medicine gathered a huge art and old items collection and started the Ostrobohnian Museum. Sculptor Emil Wikström was a good friend to Karl, and together these two men left a strong mark onto the art imago of Vaasa. Starting point the...
On the tour you will hear about heroic pilots, periods of oppression, smugglers, Russian military expeditions, jaegers, interesting villagers, and of course: the land uplift. At the end of the walk, we visit the leaning Church of Raippaluoto.
In 1849, August Alexander Levon established the first steam mill in Finland called Alkula. His passion for gardening can still be seen here. Partly suitable for disabled persons. Starts at the white gate, Gripinpolku 1.
Traditional and popular guided walking tours Vaasa new and old graveyard. Guide tell about interesting persons of industry, business and art. July 1st and 3rd Tuesday old graveyard, 2nd and 4th Tuesday new graveyard. Meeting at gate at 6 p.m. No advance booking.
There is a lot of Outsider Art on show along the fitness-path in Asevelikylä. The path is named after artist Edvin Hevonkoski, Vaasa born and bred. He was inspired by Finnish politics and literature. Besides art, you’ll find a trench, a military shelter and a...
The Vaasa barracks area is one of the best-preserved 19th-century wooden barracks areas in Finland. On this guided tour, you get to know St. Nicholas Church and the barracks area. After the tour, there is an opportunity to have coffee and donuts in canteen (at...
Join our guide on a walk through the municipal centre of Korsholm. We leave from Elly Sigfrid’s square, exploring the new Smedsby and travelling back in time to the old village centre. We finish at the House of Cultur.
Koe Savilahti-talon ja Vähänkyrön kirkon ympäristön kohteet opastetulla kävelykierroksella. Käymme Pläkkyri-museo Fyrryssä, Savilahti-talossa olevassa koulumuseossa ja ’uukangin’ kautta kävelemme kirkkoon. Kierroksen päätteeksi voit juoda omakustanteiset kahvit Cafe Kanttorilassa.
Have you heard about merchant Lisitzin and his family’s grave chapel? About Russian soldiers and prisoners of the discipline camp in the forest – all buried at Vaasa’s (Greek) Orthodox cemetery, founded in 1823.
See and hear the stories of the inner city sights, historical places and interesting people.

Guided walks

Welcome to join the guided tours and learn about the energetic Vaasa by walking. The tours can be bought from Visit Vaasa Online. The price of the tour is 10 € for an adult (no fee for children under 12). Walking tours and other guided tours can be bought all year round directly from the guide, e-post: oppaat-guider@elisanet.fi.

  • The guide shows you interesting places and tells the best stories!

    Our association consists of 33 authorized tourist guides and we operate in Vaasa and Mustasaari.

  • Guided tours

    Welcome to explore energetic Vaasa on foot with a knowledgeable guide.

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Guides via www.visitvaasa.fi

or tel. 06 325 1145

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