Skog Carina


See also these

Vaasa-born Mathilda was a noble lady who became known as prisoner`s true friend. The walk passes her childhood and youth surroundings and starts at the Vaasa Court of Appeal, Rantakatu.
See and hear the stories of the inner city sights, historical places and interesting people.
On the tour you will hear about heroic pilots, periods of oppression, smugglers, Russian military expeditions, jaegers, interesting villagers, and of course: the land uplift. At the end of the walk, we visit the leaning Church of Raippaluoto.
There is a lot of Outsider Art on show along the fitness-path in Asevelikylä. The path is named after artist Edvin Hevonkoski, Vaasa born and bred. He was inspired by Finnish politics and literature. Besides art, you’ll find a trench, a military shelter and a...