Paukkunen, Marja


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There is a lot of Outsider Art on show along the fitness-path in Asevelikylä. The path is named after artist Edvin Hevonkoski, Vaasa born and bred. He was inspired by Finnish politics and literature. Besides art, you’ll find a trench, a military shelter and a...
Join our guide on a walk through the municipal centre of Korsholm. We leave from Elly Sigfrid’s square, exploring the new Smedsby and travelling back in time to the old village centre. We finish at the House of Cultur.
Koe Savilahti-talon ja Vähänkyrön kirkon ympäristön kohteet opastetulla kävelykierroksella. Käymme Pläkkyri-museo Fyrryssä, Savilahti-talossa olevassa koulumuseossa ja ’uukangin’ kautta kävelemme kirkkoon. Kierroksen päätteeksi voit juoda omakustanteiset kahvit Cafe Kanttorilassa.
Strömsö is real! Come and see an old villa full of history, serving as TV studio for the lifestyle program Strömsö and a paradise for idea generators and DIY enthusiasts. The tour takes us indoors and around the garden.