Reinikainen, Eva


See also these

Have you heard about merchant Lisitzin and his family’s grave chapel? About Russian soldiers and prisoners of the discipline camp in the forest – all buried at Vaasa’s (Greek) Orthodox cemetery, founded in 1823.
Vaasa’s first suburban district has a special place in the city history. The land uplift brought the harbour here in the 1780s. Authors, boatbuilders, artists and factory workers have shaped the history of the island. The university campus is said to be the most beautiful...
Koe Savilahti-talon ja Vähänkyrön kirkon ympäristön kohteet opastetulla kävelykierroksella. Käymme Pläkkyri-museo Fyrryssä, Savilahti-talossa olevassa koulumuseossa ja ’uukangin’ kautta kävelemme kirkkoon. Kierroksen päätteeksi voit juoda omakustanteiset kahvit Cafe Kanttorilassa.
On the tour you will hear about heroic pilots, periods of oppression, smugglers, Russian military expeditions, jaegers, interesting villagers, and of course: the land uplift. At the end of the walk, we visit the leaning Church of Raippaluoto.