Pundars-Mitts, Camilla


See also these

Karl Hedman, Doctor of Medicine gathered a huge art and old items collection and started the Ostrobohnian Museum. Sculptor Emil Wikström was a good friend to Karl, and together these two men left a strong mark onto the art imago of Vaasa. Starting point the...
See and hear the stories of the inner city sights, historical places and interesting people.
Koe Savilahti-talon ja Vähänkyrön kirkon ympäristön kohteet opastetulla kävelykierroksella. Käymme Pläkkyri-museo Fyrryssä, Savilahti-talossa olevassa koulumuseossa ja ’uukangin’ kautta kävelemme kirkkoon. Kierroksen päätteeksi voit juoda omakustanteiset kahvit Cafe Kanttorilassa.
There is a lot of Outsider Art on show along the fitness-path in Asevelikylä. The path is named after artist Edvin Hevonkoski, Vaasa born and bred. He was inspired by Finnish politics and literature. Besides art, you’ll find a trench, a military shelter and a...