Börg, Raila


See also these

The Vaasa barracks area is one of the best-preserved 19th-century wooden barracks areas in Finland. On this guided tour, you get to know St. Nicholas Church and the barracks area. After the tour, there is an opportunity to have coffee and donuts in canteen (at...
On the tour you will hear about heroic pilots, periods of oppression, smugglers, Russian military expeditions, jaegers, interesting villagers, and of course: the land uplift. At the end of the walk, we visit the leaning Church of Raippaluoto.
There is a lot of Outsider Art on show along the fitness-path in Asevelikylä. The path is named after artist Edvin Hevonkoski, Vaasa born and bred. He was inspired by Finnish politics and literature. Besides art, you’ll find a trench, a military shelter and a...
Kappelinmäki graveyard dates back to 1782. It is one of Finland´s oldest graveyards still in active use. Much of Vaasa´s ancient history lies buried in its soil.