Elomaa Jouni


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Vaasa’s first suburban district has a special place in the city history. The land uplift brought the harbour here in the 1780s. Authors, boatbuilders, artists and factory workers have shaped the history of the island. The university campus is said to be the most beautiful...
The Vaasa barracks area is one of the best-preserved 19th-century wooden barracks areas in Finland. On this guided tour, you get to know St. Nicholas Church and the barracks area. After the tour, there is an opportunity to have coffee and donuts in canteen (at...
Koe Savilahti-talon ja Vähänkyrön kirkon ympäristön kohteet opastetulla kävelykierroksella. Käymme Pläkkyri-museo Fyrryssä, Savilahti-talossa olevassa koulumuseossa ja ’uukangin’ kautta kävelemme kirkkoon. Kierroksen päätteeksi voit juoda omakustanteiset kahvit Cafe Kanttorilassa.
In 1849, August Alexander Levon established the first steam mill in Finland called Alkula. His passion for gardening can still be seen here. Partly suitable for disabled persons. Starts at the white gate, Gripinpolku 1.